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Shagang Culture

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Corporation Flag


The graphic on the blue flag has two letters – “Z” and “G” – with five wavy curves in red and gold. This pattern was the trademark of our window frame product and ZG is the abbreviated form of Shagang, from Zhangjiagang Iron and Steel Plant. The letter G is the short form of the word – “gang” – and means steel, in Chinese. The wavy curves imply the geographical position of the corporation (by the Yangzi River) and it indicates our determination to move forward.
At the end of the 1980s, Shagang was operating four rolling lines dedicated to window frame products. Shagang became No. 1 in output, sales, prime rate and the share of the domestic market in this sector of the steel business. The window frame product won the national silver award in 1990, which established the company’s name. The general employees’ assembly decided to choose this trademark for the corporation flag in January 1990.

http://zjnxx.com http://xiaolianzx.com http://xiaoliaoshenqianhui.com
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