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Shagang Culture

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Corporation Song

The lyrics of the song reflect the basics of the steel industry and the spirit of Shagang. The words – in which the spirit, mentality, objectives of the corporation and other factors are embedded – are simple, easy to remember and sing. Performing the song we let every employee become aware of their mission and target.
Background: At the end of the 1980s, Shagang operated four rolling lines dedicated to window frame products. Shagang became No. 1 in output, sales, prime rate and the share of the domestic market in this sector of the steel business. Shagang also built a mini-mill, consisting of a 75t EAF, continuous casting machine and bar mill, which signaled the new era of innovative development and growth. At that time the company was still called “Zhangjiagang Iron and Steel Plant”. The general employees’assembly decided to choose this song to represent the corporation, in January 1990, with the title We are Proud of Being Steel Workers.



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