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Shagang Culture

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Bronze Statue of “Shagang Man”


A bronze statue (known as “Shagang Man”) is installed in front of the original main entry gate as a symbol of Shagang’s workers. This statue was built in January 1992, with money from employee contributions, and shows the energy and bravery of employees. The statue weighs 3.8 tons and is 5m in height.
Background:  The statue was built in 1992, 17 years after the business was founded, during which time the company grew with sweat and tears from an unknown and tiny workshop, into to a mid-sized steel mill with its own steel making and rolling facilities, before completing a mini-mill that represented state of the art technology at that time. In those days a strong-willed, well-skilled and motivated team of dedicated workers was formed. This represents the spirit of Shagang and even now inspires employees to follow in their footsteps, and be active, optimistic, dutiful and prepared to achieve.



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