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Chairman Shen Wenrong was awarded as “100 Outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in the 40 years of Reform and Opening up”

24th October, The National Federation of Industry and Commerce held a press conference in Beijing, released a name list of “100 Outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in the 40 years of Reform and Opening up” which was co-recommended by The Central United Front Department and The National Federation of Industry and Commerce. Mr. Shen Wenrong from Sha-steel Group was on the list.

On the occasion of the 40 anniversary of Reform and Opening Up, in order to publicize the great achievements of the development of private economy, demonstrate the style of the builders of socialist undertakings with Chinese characteristics of private entrepreneurs, vigorously carry forward the excellent entrepreneurial spirit, and encourage the vast number of non-public economic people to "not forget the first heart of entrepreneurship, relay reform great cause" and make new contributions, Central United Front Department and National Federation of Industry & Commerce decided to recommend the promotion of “hundreds outstanding private entrepreneurs in 40 years of reform and opening up”.

Over the past more than 40 years, headed by Mr. Shen Wenrong, chairman of the Board of Directors of Sha-Steel Group, has earnestly implemented Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the scientific concept of development and Xi Jinping's socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era, seized the development opportunities brought about by reform and opening up, and led tens of thousands of cadres & workers in Sha-Steel, to carry out the strategic objectives of “Create the high-quality products base and a century- sustainable business”, highlight the theme of innovation and development, aiming at the industry's development of the world's advanced level, a high starting point positioning, phased implementation, and constantly promote enterprise transformation and upgrading, to achieve product, output, industry leapfrog development. So that the former that rely on 450,000 Yuan’s self-financing small rolling workshop has become the country's largest private steel enterprises, national innovative enterprises, the world's top 500 enterprises. Opened up a successful development way and dazzling bright scenery for China's national iron and steel industry.

In the legendary development of Sha-steel, it has fully demonstrated the unique courage and wisdom of Mr. Shen Wenrong, reflecting his quality and spirit as an excellent entrepreneur. Mr. Shen Wenrong has won the National model worker, the national "May 1" Labor Medal, the National excellent quality management workers, excellent Chinese characteristics of the socialist cause builder, China's outstanding private entrepreneurs, China's reform meritorious service, Chinese entrepreneurial entrepreneurs and more than 50 honorary titles; and has been elected as the ninth National People's Congress deputies, the CPC 16 & 17 representatives, has produced a great spiritual appeal in the industry and society.

Additional: Shen Wenrong, chairman of the Board of Directors of Shagang Group, was awarded "100 Outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in the 40 years of Reform and Opening up ", October 25, Zhangjiagang Municipal Committee, the Municipal Government sent a congratulatory letter to Mr.Shen Wenrong and Shagang Group. The congratulatory letter said: "the history of pursuit excellence of Sha-Steel Group and hard work history of Mr. Shen Wenrong has vividly interpreted the essence of Zhangjiagang spirit, Zhangjiagang’s 40 years magnificent reform of the history of wonderful Epitome. Comrade Shen Wenrong won this award, which is a great honor for the private enterprises in Zhangjiagang City and a collective honor for the entrepreneurs of the Zhangjiagang city. Over the past 40 years, it is a batch of ideal, pursuing and aspiring entrepreneurs, carrying forward the entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance, innovation and entrepreneurship, unswervingly bigger and stronger, Zhangjiagang has realized from the southern Jiangsu "Corner" to the national "top three" butterfly Change and leapfrog. Hope that the vast number of Entrepreneurs learning from advanced model, aligning with the benchmark, do not forget first heart, mainstay forward, always with the development of Zhangjiagang City, always with the progress of the times with the frequency resonance, for Zhangjiagang to walk in the forefront of high-quality development to make a new and greater contribution! ”

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