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Sixth in the world! A ranking of the World’s Top 50 Steelmakers in 2019 has been released

Recently, the World Iron and Steel Association released the World Steel Statistics 2020, and List of World’s Top 50 Steel Enterprises.

Shagang ranked the Sixth for its 41.10 million tons of crude steel output.

In 2019, Shagang held the great banner of Xi Jinping’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new era. The overall production and operation to maintain a stable and good state of progress after activities on high quality development, safety and environmental protection, basic management consolidation, breakthrough of reform and innovation, quality improvement & upgrading and intelligent manufacturing in the past year. Shagang ranked 340th of the World TOP 500, 85th of China TOP 500 and 26th of China 500 Manufacturing Industry in 2019; it was named “The Most Admired Chinese Company” by magazine Fortune in 2019 and its international and domestic popularity and influence have been increasing.

According to the statistics, there were 28 Chinese steel enterprises ranked in TOP50 for the crude steel output, equal to 2018. Among the TOP10, 6 from China, they were China BAOWU, HBIS Group, SHAGANG Group, ANSTEEL, JIANLONG Group and SHOUGANG Group

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