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Shagang paid 7.7 billion Yuan in tax 2019, the top ONE enterprise in Zhangjiagang

On the afternoon of January 17, The entrepreneur activity "New Era, New Mission, New Style" of 2019 tax payment more than 50 million Yuan was held in Zhangjiagang City, Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Shen Wenrong was invited to participate. In 2019, the city of Zhangjiagang received more than 1 billion Yuan in tax revenue from three enterprises, of which Shagang Group topped the list with 7.7 billion Yuan.

In the activity, the municipal government awarded enterprises and entrepreneurs who have made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of the city in the form of "Gold MEDAL". Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Suzhou City, Zhangjiagang Party Secretary Mr. Shen Guofang presented the prize to Chairman Shen Wenrong.

Over the years, Shagang Group has made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Zhangjiagang City by actively participating in the overall situation of local economic and social construction and fulfilling its tax obligations while striving to achieve its own healthy, stable and sustainable development.

In 2019, in the face of the steel industry continues to implement reduction adjustment, improve the superior environmental protection and safety requirements, enterprise production and operation pressure surge in a severe test. Under the leadership of the Board, the staffs focus on and put forward the work made by the Board of “Four Years Plan” and reducing cost saving expense etc, to promote safe environmental protection and quality improvement, strengthen production organization management and economic trade management, optimize the work contract, after that, the enterprise production and management to keep the steady development, remained the top benefit level in domestic counterparts.

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