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Shagang: Donated 30 million Yuan to assistance people in Hubei and Jiangsu against outbreak of pandemic

What is called “If you are in trouble, we will assist you from all sides”. Shagang donated 30 million Yuan (with 20 million Yuan and 10 million of pandemic prevention materials) on the donating ceremony which hosted by Zhangjiagang Charity Federation on the afternoon of February 11th.

Mr. Pan Guoqiang (Vice Secretary of Zhangjiagang Municipal Committee of CPC), Mz. Wang Yu (Deputy Mayor of Zhangjiagang City), Mr. Wang Huizhong (President of Zhangjiagang Charity Federation), Mr. Chen Xiaodong (Executive Director, Vice President and Vice Secretary of Standing Committee of the Party), Wu Yaofang (Chairman of the Board of Yonggang Group), Chen Huabin (Vice President of Yonggang Group) and other leaders from relevant municipal departments.

On behalf of the Municipal Committee and Government, Pan Guoqiang expressed the listentfelt thanks to the donation from all concerned enterprises. He said on the key period of pandemic prevention of whole city, Shagang, Yonggang and other enterprises positive response to pandemic prevention and control policy decisions from the CPC municipal committee and municipal government, donated enthusiastically based on the good jobs on self prevention, control and production safety. It’s not only the material support and economic help to win the pandemic war, also a great encouragement to the frontline fighters, even more a practical action to show the responsibility of an enterprise.

Wanghuizhong, President of the Municipal Charity Federation, presided over the meeting and said that the kindness of the two enterprises will definitely add important strength to fight against COVID - 19. The municipal charity federation will use the donation from the caring enterprises in sufficient and timely to the frontline of pandemic prevention in accordance to the charity law, and consciously accept the supervision from donating enterprises and the public.

It is understood that while doing its own prevention and control work well, Shagang tried every ways to use all the strength, mobilize all the resources, open up all the channels, and at all costs, procurement of urgently needed pandemic prevention materials from the domestic and foreign in order to solve the urgent need of pandemic prevention and control.

Chen Xiaodong said in an interview, after the outbreak of pandemic, Shagang Group held a standing committee in the first time, to discuss the donation pandemic areas of Hubei Province, and at the first time, through international trade company in Romania, Turkey, Australia, South Korea, and many other countries to snap up 100000 pieces of N95 mask, 20000 sets of protective clothing, and buy medical beds, ventilator, vaporizer and other key medical supplies from domestic in emergency to the most needed areas such as Hubei Wuhan, provide powerful guarantee for the frontline of pandemic prevention.

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