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Shagang ranked the 3rd among China's Top 500 Metallurgical Enterprises in 2019

On September 1st, 2019 China Top 500 Enterprises Summit Forum, the China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association released "China Top 500 Enterprise" list to the society 18 times consecutively. Totally 48 metallurgical enterprises on the list, Shagang is the one of them which with the revenue of 241.05 billion ranked the 85th place and the third in the steel industry. On the same day, China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association also released the 2019 “China Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprise” list. There are 74 steel enterprises were selected in, Shagang Group ranked the 26th with a revenue of 241.045 billion yuan and ranked the 3rd place in the steel industry.


Faced with favorable opportunities for the country to steadily advanced the supply-side structural reform, eliminate the overcapacity, and turn the steel market into a stable and favorable situation; Shagang takes safety production and environmental protection technology transformation as the basis, and takes cost reduction and expenditure reduction, innovation and potential improvement as the starting point. We have strengthened brand building, accelerated technological progress, promoted intelligent manufacturing, implemented diversified development, and made every effort to expand both domestic and international markets. Our production and operation have maintained stable operation, and our comprehensive competitive power has been constantly enhanced.


In 2018, shagang produced 31.83 million tons of iron, 40.66 million tons of steel and 39.54 million tons of rolled products. Sales revenue reached 241 billion yuan, profits and taxes reached 33 billion yuan, created a new increase over the previous year. Over the past 40 years, shagang has paid more than 70 billion yuan in taxes to the state, which shows that shagang has always adhered to the purpose of serving the country and fulfilled the mission of building a strong steel industry.


It is learned that "China's Top 500 Enterprise" is the most authoritative list of domestic institutions on the top 500 enterprises; it’s a bellwether to observe the development of Chinese enterprises. Against the background of complex international environment and prominent domestic economic transformation pains, the top 500 enterprises have achieved "double growth" in size and efficiency, thanks to the significantly enhanced internal innovation driving power. The list of China's top 500 companies covers 76 industries, with total revenue of 79.10 trillion yuan. Among them, 235 are private enterprises.

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